

We’re Movers & Shakers

How we work

Radical Inclusion

If you can breathe, you can dance. Regardless of ability or experience, movement is all about cultivating wholistic presence and awareness within.


Ahimsa by Nature

Ahimsa is a sanskrit word translating to non-violence to any living thing (including the self).
Self love. Compassion. Sacred boundaries. Self care.

By Nature - I believe we are all this by nature. Also, there is nothing quite like practicing among nature. Soaking in all of the Divine Wisdom which exists and extends all around us, for us, from us.

In class

You have complete creative freedom within your practice. Always. I say, “Your breathe is your guru.” Your breath is your teacher, your guide, your homebase. My words are mere suggestions for practice. I guide each session using anatomical alignment themes I have adopted from Alexander Technique, dance, and yoga teacher trainings to keep the body safe, strong, and open.


Ready to get involved?

Book a Yoga Class

Book a Dance Ceremony


“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is a steppingstone to greatness.”

Oprah Winfrey  
